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Guidelines for Admission

Guidelines for Admission  
Our Lady of Mercy School welcomes students of all races, religions, ethnic or national origins.
Preference is given to participating Catholic students and students are accepted according to the following priorities:

     1.    Students currently attending Our Lady of Mercy.
     2.    Siblings of students currently attending Our Lady of Mercy.
     3.    Students of Staff currently at Our Lady of Mercy.
     4.    Siblings of students that previously attended Our Lady of Mercy.
     5.    Members of a parish that do not have a school, but the student has applied to Our Lady of Mercy.
     6.    Children of non-participating parishioners and non-Catholics.

In all cases involving Catholic students, their pastor must certify that they are parishioners in good standing.
The optimum number of students per classroom is thirty (30), except for Pre-K, which is capped at 20.

The required age for kindergarten students is five (5) years of age on or before August 31, and thus for Pre-K, the required age is four (4) years of age on or before August 31.

All students applying for K-8 must complete the ABC admissions screening exam, which are portions of the Woodcock-Johnson III. This requirement can be waived by the Principal in some circumstances.
All students must comply with current North Carolina immunization and health requirements prior to enrollment.

The Pastor and Principal will review a students’ continued eligibility for enrollment.
