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Family Requirements for Stewardship

 “For everything is from you, and we only give you what we have received from you.” 
- I Chronicles 29:14-16 

As part of our Catholic identity, our school works to sow the seeds of stewardship in our students. Since all we have is a gift from God, we all do what we can to give back to him in time, talent, and treasure. Teaching our students by example is very important when it comes to stewardship and this is one of the reasons we ask all of our families to participate in giving time, talent, and treasure to our school. In addition, our school would not be the wonderful place that it is without the involvement of our families. We rely on your support for many things.

We ask that each family do their best to pitch in when asked as “many hands make light work.” We want to build a community where everyone gives of their time and talent from their heart.

We cannot thank you enough for all you give, knowing it is all for the good of our Mercy family and your children!