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OLM Highlight - Why Choose Our Lady of Mercy

Top reasons to choose our lady of mercy catholic school!

Top Reasons to Choose Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School

Why Choose Our Lady of Mercy?  

Top 10 Reasons Why - by parent: Katy O’Kennedy

When my eldest son was 3, I started looking at schools for him. I did a wide search. I chose Mercy for my children because:

1)     The teachers are phenomenal.

I sat in the Kindergarten class and watched how the teachers worked with the children and how respectful the children were in class. You could hear a pin drop when they were asked to be quiet!

My son had no problem transitioning to middle school due to the organization skills and depth of learning he received in 5th grade from Miss Degnan.

My son will have no problem writing a paper in high school and college because of the phenomenal education he received in at Mercy.

Each year in between he learned a new life-long skill that will guide him.

2)     It goes from K-8. I did not want to put more turmoil in my child's life at a time when they are going through so much. The transition to middle school was easy and it gave them a leadership role in the school.

3)     The buddy program. My Kindergartner loved it and my 8th grader loved it. It makes the Kindergartner feel special and welcomed to the school and it gives the 8th grader responsibility and leadership.

4)     Each grade leads the school in Mass each week. It is a great way to learn how to speak in front of a crowd and gives them great confidence to do so.

5)     Every teacher and family knows each child. It’s like a family. Everyone looks out for your child.

6)     Sports programs (not just PE) but team sports can be played from K-8. Great for school spirit.

7)     There are a lot of opportunities for the kids to give back, be it Helping Hands of Mercy, school trips to nursing homes, or helping with various charities in the area. This is a very important life lesson.

8)     The children wear a uniform, which keeps everyone on the same playing field so the focus is on the work, not on what someone is wearing.

9)     It has a diverse student body.

10)  Above all, my children received/are receiving the best education, due to the quality of the teaching staff, in a loving and caring environment that is very respectful.

Proud to be a Mercy Mustang - By Alumna: Nya Steele

I am proud to be a student at Our Lady of Mercy School, a warm and loving school called home by many. Mercy is a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, largely because of the hard work and time that all of our magnificent teachers offer each and every day for the benefit of their students. These teachers not only display their brilliant minds but also express their deep love for God through participating in Mass on Fridays and teaching religion classes. Our principal, Sr. Geri Rogers is one of the most loving and tender people you will ever meet. She takes her time to understand each child fully. Sr. Geri encourages each child to work to their fullest potential in their school work and in sports. She tries her best to attend every home game that she can. This is nice to know that your principal is there to support you in everything you do, not only in your school work.

My four years at Mercy has changed me both spiritually and academically. Coming from a public school in fifth grade, Mercy has taught me so many new study habits to help my academics progress. I have also found a new connection with Jesus, from participating in Mass on Fridays, praying in school daily, and learning about Jesus and our faith in religion classes. I also got exposed to volleyball, basketball, softball and track, all of which I enjoy. New students at Mercy will experience the warmth and kindness from the student body that is ever-present. I have made so many new friends and friendships that will survive forever. As stated previously, I am proud to be called a Mercy Mustang along with my fellow classmates.

- Nya Steele, Alumna - Class of 2014

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